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Karen Nelson is a Caucasian woman in her late 50s with blonde hair and eyeglasses.

Karen Nelson

Credentials: Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.  Health Service Provider in Psychology. Completed course in CBT-Insomnia through the Center for Deployment Psychology in 2021.

Insurance accepted: Blue Cross / Blue Shield; Midlands Choice; Out of pocket. *Pending: Medicare*

Can’t sleep? Trapped in anxious rumination? Misplaced your joy? I specialize in treating insomnia, anxiety, panic and OCD in adults and high school age teens.

Clients learn skills and enhance their confidence within a validating Behavioral Therapy framework. Clients co-create weekly behavioral experiments and track their mood, body responses.

Therapy is time-limited and problem-focused.

The combination of empathy with research-based behavioral strategies has assisted my clients in improving their sleep, mood, and especially their well being. Clients describe me as curious, empowering and gently irreverent.

You are not broken. Nobody is. Feeling whole again is an option and opportunity. My job is to help you make progress toward what matters most to you. I’d be honored to assist you.

Note: Insurance will not reimburse for services not deemed medically necessary, i.e. without a diagnosis.

Interested in a free phone consult before scheduling an initial visit?


Phone: 319-382-6930

Visit Clarity Counseling’s Website


Under the law, if you do not have or are not using insurance, you have the right to receive a GOOD FAITH ESTIMATE for the total expected costs of any non-emergency items or services. Learn more about Good Faith Estimates.