319-337-3313 - Fax 319-337-0686 info@eastwindhealingcenter.com


Eastwind Healing Center is Iowa’s finest integrative medicine center and is a collective of independent practitioners offering a

nurturing environment for health and healing.

We provide a full spectrum of complementary and alternative healthcare practices and products that allow each individual to experience connection to a true sense of well-being.

We are committed to professional, compassionate, and effective treatment of a large variety of conditions while accompanying our clients on their individual paths in wellness.

At Eastwind Healing Center, we see every person as a unique human being. Our aim is to assist each client in achieving true health at all levels — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Our treatment programs are individualized, and the client has input into treatment components.

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If you have general questions, call or email us  and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  We appreciate your patience.   Thank you! You can find all of our newsletters on our Archives page.

Click the links below to learn more about HIPAA and how our independent providers keep your information private: Privacy and Your Health Information Your Health Information Privacy Rights