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In Memory of Michael

Michael J. Santangelo, ND, PhD, April 20th, 1950 – April 25th, 2018

Co-founder of Eastwind Healing Center.  Board certified traditional naturopath, licensed psychologist. Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, 1981. N.D., 1999.  Chinese herbalism training, Institute of Chinese Herbology, 1994. Massage therapist/Asian bodywork therapist, 1994.  Reiki Master (Takata lineage) and Reiki Jin Kei Do Master (Takamori lineage). Chi Nei Tsang therapist. Hypnotherapist. Bach flower essences diplomate.  Advanced Light Language practitioner and certified teacher. Sound healing practitioner. Medical Intuitive. Quantum Healing practitioner.

Dr. Santangelo used his wide background and 40 years of experience in health care to formulate treatment plans for each case. He became interested in complementary treatment modalities after having been a psychotherapist for almost 15 years. Wishing to integrate the body into his treatment of emotional difficulties, he became a massage therapist. He then taught bodywork for 10 years at a school that he and Dr. Candida Maurer founded. He has taught classes from community education to graduate school, and has spoken on alternative health at national conferences. He has published in psychology, bodywork, esoteric studies, and humor. Additionally, Dr. Santangelo was on the editorial board, and was a lead reviewer in the areas of alternative and energy medicines, of the Rose+Croix Journal, the peer-reviewed, academic publication of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC). This world-wide organization is a leader in the scientific study and practical application of mystical principles. Previously, he served as co-editor of the Tarot section at All Things Healing (ATH). This organization brings together a worldwide community of individuals, and alternative healing sites and organizations, dedicated to educating and inspiring people in topics relating to alternative healing of mind, body, spirit, and the planet.

“I believe that we each have an innate ability to heal ourselves. In fact, that’s the only kind of healing there is: self-healing. The difficulty comes when we forget that this is possible, or when we feel powerless in the face of a problem.

“I didn’t consider the people that I workeded with to be patients or clients, but as participants in a process. The goal was to find the space where the realization occurs that healing is possible, and that this possibility resides in the participant, not in me or in my abilities. Only in that space can true healing happen.”

You can find out more about the therapeutic approach Michael used, which he calls PsychoSpiritual Energetics, here.

Dr. Michael J. Santangelo, 68, died on April 25, 2018 at home in Iowa City from complications of amyloidosis.

He grew up in Philadelphia and in its suburb of Levittown, PA. After finishing twelve years of parochial school, he attended Virginia Tech, earning a bachelors degree in Mathematics, as well as a masters and doctorate degrees in psychology. While in graduate school, his son Adrian was born.

After graduation, Michael worked as a clinical psychologist in mental health centers in Muscatine and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. His long-term disenchantment with the traditional practice of psychology led him to pursue training in Asian massage, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, and energy medicine.

In 1987, Michael married Candida Maurer, the love of his life, and became step-father to her two sons, Colin and Darby. Together, Michael and Candida founded what is now Eastwind

Healing Center in 1994, and Eastwind School of Holistic Healing in 1997, a massage school they directed and taught in for ten years. The focus of their healing practice has been the integration of psychology and alternative healthcare, which made the Center the first of its kind in Iowa.

Michael’s interests were always esoteric and eclectic. From an early age, he was interested in spirituality and metaphysics. For many years and until his death, he was a member of Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) and the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), two prominent organizations that follow the teachings of the Western mystery tradition, especially Qabalah and Tarot. He also served on the editorial board of the Rose+Croix Journal, the academic publication of AMORC.

Michael studied and practiced meditation since his adolescence, and this background informed his more than forty years in the professional practice of healthcare. His approach to working with others was very eclectic, and he used his varied background to assist people with many different problems, from emotional and mental, to physical and spiritual. He also taught extensively at all levels, from community education to undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology. Later in his life, his teaching focused primarily on spiritual matters. His lectures were always amply spiced with his irreverent sense of humor. He also wrote, publishing books on personal growth and astrology, and writing a spiritual blog.

Outside of his professional interests, Michael enjoyed reading, research, hiking, electronic gadgets, and recumbent bicycles. He walked a portion of the Camino de Santiago at the age of 64. His favorite hobby, however, was fountain pens. He loved his pens, inks, and paper, and was always ready to seek out “converts” to the art of handwriting. He thoroughly enjoyed producing hand-written letters sealed with custom wax seals, and transcribing famous speeches and spiritual texts using his writing instruments.

Michael is survived by Candida Maurer, his beloved wife of almost 31 years; his son Adrian (Pamela) and his grandchildren Heather and Gavin; his mother; his sister Lisa-Marie; his brother Steven; and by his step-sons Colin (Angela Sarff) Kealey and Darby (Megan Galizia) Kealey. He was preceded in death by his father.

His contributions to the spirit of Eastwind remain.

See books by Michael at
Visit Michael’s YouTube channel
Read some of Michael’s writings on Eastwind Healing’s Archives page