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This system of healing involves re-balancing the life force (“Qi”) by the insertion of hair-thin needles into points along the energy meridian of the body. Acupuncture is beneficial for pain relief, musculoskeletal complaints, and a variety of acute and chronic conditions.  Patrick Yoerger is the acupuncturist at Eastwind Healing Center.  Read more about his background here, or visit his website

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Carl Jung’s ideas of dream analysis are used to amplify the meaning of symbols and archetypes encountered in the world of dreams. Metaphors and myths help clients explore the innate wisdom of the unconscious mind in order to understand the ways in which dreams seek to bring us to a heightened sense of our larger selves.  Candida Maurer works with dreams in conjunction with psychotherapy.  If you are only interested in dreamwork, the rate is $125 per hour.

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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Sometimes referred to as “emotional acupuncture” and “acupuncture without needles”, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) involves tapping specific acupuncture points to assist in rebalancing the body’s energy system and improving the individual’s experience of emotional well-being. EFT is a gentle tool that can be used to resolve anxiety, phobias, stress-related disorders, and trauma. Visit for more information.

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EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, is a therapeutic technique used to help the brain process traumatic information, dampening down the unpleasant feelings and physical sensations often caused by post-traumatic stress disorder. The processing is done through the use of bilateral stimulation in which the therapist activates both sides of the brain in alternating patterns through the use of eye movements, tonal sounds, or tapping.  EMDR is done in mental health therapy sessions.

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Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease. It uses a systems-oriented approach, creating a partnership between patient and practitioner. Functional medicine changes the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach. It addresses the whole person, not just the symptoms. In the extensive time that Functional Medicine practitioners spend with their patients, they consider a person’s histories, and look at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. Dr. Julia Buchkina is the practitioner that offers functional medicine.  For more information on her practice, please visit Upstream Functional Medicine‘s website.  

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Hypnosis involves the therapist using relaxation and visualization techniques to allow the client to enter into a state of calm and safety. From this safe place, the client is guided to work through various difficult issues including trauma, anxiety, depression, nightmares, pain, etc. This can be a useful adjunct in the treatment of many psychological issues. Past Life Regression is also available. This involves a gently guided journey into “past” experiences which can help elucidate a person’s current dilemmas and allow insight into various concerns. Joseph Mizelle offers 60 minute hypnotherapy sessions for $85.

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Massage Therapy
Eastwind Healing Center has practitioners skilled in both Asian and Western styles of bodywork. Massage serves as an excellent modality for releasing the pain and restrictions of acute and chronic injuries, and for maintaining health. Massage also improves circulation and removes toxins from the body.

Types of massage we offer:

  • Shiatsu – Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning “finger pressure.” It is a “hands-on” therapy used both as a complement to conventional medicine and as a preventative, alternative therapy. Shiatsu technique accesses meridian points on the surface of the body for the purposes of correcting imbalances in the tissues, and of maintaining and promoting health. Shiatsu can be done through light clothing, or with the receiver disrobed. It does not use massage oil.
  • Swedish Massage – The most common form of Western massage, Swedish uses a variety of light and deep gliding strokes and percussion. This relaxes muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones. It facilitates blood flow and flushes the tissues of lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes. It reduces emotional and physical stress, and is suggested as part of a regular program of stress management. Typically, the receiver is disrobed and is always draped for modesty. The practitioner uses massage oil.
  • Heated Stone Massage – This approach has many influences, from Native American healing techniques to the healing traditions of Japan and India. Warmed and placed on the body, stones are a direct source of the elements of the earth and a perfect vehicle for reconnecting to the earth’s deep grounding. Used with massaging strokes, stones invite a spiritual component, and increase circulation and vitality. Heated Stone Massage achieves a deeper sense of relaxation, calms the nervous system, relieves stiff muscles, improves circulation, opens tight joints, energetically grounds to Mother Nature and releases energy blocks. The receiver is disrobed and draped for modesty. The stones are lightly oiled when used in massaging strokes.
  • Chi Nei Tsang – Coming out of the Taoist tradition, Chi Nei Tsang (internal organ qi massage) consists of bodywork treatments and energy exercises to assist in the treatment of acute and chronic illness, as well as for health maintenance. Chi Nei Tsang detoxifies the organs, repositions them if needed, releases trapped emotions from the organs, and aids in personal growth and self-empowerment.
  • Neuromuscular Therapy– This is a deep tissue massage technique that utilizes the practitioner’s skill, anatomical knowledge, and palpatory sensitivity to deactivate painful myofascial trigger points with the aim of improving muscular function and reducing muscular discomfort and pain.
  • Qigong Massage– This technique is an ancient and highly effective healing therapy that is at the root of many other forms of eastern massage, such as Dian Xue, Tui Na, and Anmo. Specific acupoints are stimulated and a variety of manipulative techniques are employed to smooth and normalize qi flow in the body with the aim of promoting an experience of balance, comfort, and ease in the receiver.
  • Trigger Point Therapy – When muscles and/or fascia become too tense from overuse or injury they can cause pain, numbness, tingling, limited range of motion of joints, even dizziness and nausea. These areas are called trigger points, and are often overlooked as a cause of chronic and acute pain and dysfunction. Sometimes the muscle or fascia that is causing the pain or dysfunction is located in another area of the body from where the problem is perceived to be. For example, a trigger point in a neck muscle can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the arm and hand, even when the person feels no pain or stiffness in the neck. The muscular/fascial system is frequently referred to as the “orphan organ,” as no medical field claims it as their specialty, and myofascial trigger points can go undiagnosed and untreated for years. More information on trigger points and trigger point therapy can be found here.

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Medication Management
Natasha Clark, DNP, ARNP, PMHNP-BC, WHNP-BC is a Dually Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who can prescribe and monitor medications.  Medications are prescribed only when necessary, and a careful, conservative approach to them is followed.  Dr. Clark is also available for evaluation of the appropriateness of certain medications for those individuals desiring a consultation.

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Mind/Body Therapy
In this combination of psychotherapy and body-oriented understanding, physical and emotional concerns are dealt with as interrelated and intertwined units. The therapist helps the client to experience and understand the unique and dynamic interactions between the mind and the body in order to facilitate healing at a deeper level.

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Traditional psychotherapy is used when indicated to assist in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral change.

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Reflexology is a scientific art based on zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all parts of the body. Specific manual pressures are applied which result in stress reduction and therefore causes a physiological change in the body. Reflexology eases tension, improves blood and nerve supply, and restores the body to its natural balance. Reflexology isn’t for diagnosis or treatment of a specific condition, however.  If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, Joseph Mizelle is the practitioner who offers this service.  Please call us to set up an appointment.

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Reiki Energy Medicine
Working within the human energy field, the practitioner helps rectify imbalances that are affecting functioning in the realms of body, mind, and spirit. These techniques are very effective for problems such as chronic pain, headaches, cognitive confusion, detoxifying the energy field, and accelerated healing. It is our belief that Reiki is one of the basic healing energies. Through its gentle action, the body rejuvenates and clears out blockages. We utilize two lineages of Reiki in our work, the familiar Takata lineage and the deep and powerful Takamori lineage, also known as Reiki Jin Kei Do.

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Craniosacral Therapy
This is a light-touch techniques that utilizes the natural healing rhythms of the body. It, in essence, gives the body permission to correct imbalances in structure. Craniosacral therapy is very gentle, but very effective and powerful.

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Careful and comprehensive assessment identifies areas of nutritional need to restore balance in the body using nourishing foods and supplements. Proper nutrition is fundamental to good health.  Dr. Julia Buchkina is the practitioner who offers nutritional functional medicine.  For more information on her practice, please visit Upstream Functional Medicine‘s website.